Our pay roll is a completely integrated, easy-to-use GUI based open- ended Payroll

Open ended payroll software
User defined earnings and deductions (payroll headings)
User defined employee master structure
Totally formula based software
Minimum software modifications required
User defined queries and printing their off
Wide range of reports
Different Level covers Salary/Banking/Labour Reports and Income Tax reports
Graphical point and click user interface
Multi-user security provides high level of security and control at various stages.
Based on Client/Server architecture.
ODBC compliant and supports open architecture.
Fully integrated with other applications like Attendance, Human Resources, and Accounts.
Wide range of reports.
Formula editor which allows salary components to be defined as a formula, based on the salary components.
System maintains history of employee's salary structure changes.
Provisions for arrears calculation and processing.
Provision for Bonus/Exgratia calculations.
Processing of loans and advances.
Automatic and on-line tax calculations.
Powerful Backup and Recovery Features.

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